Unveiling the hidden stars: ALMA Shines a Light on Dust Attenuation (NCBJ, 2023.06.15)
Projekt doktoranta Zakładu Astrofizyki NCBJ zakwalifikowany do programu „Perły Nauki” (NCBJ, 2023.04.04)
HELP – a modern and standardized catalog of extra-galactic objects (NCBJ, 2021.10.27)
Obrazy radiowe młodego Wszechświata (NCBJ, 2021.04.07 )
Giant hidden black hole discovered in the early universe (NCBJ, 2021.03.29 )
A starry sky made of more than 25,000 supermassive black holes (NCBJ, 2021.03.02 )
Sudden Death in the Universe – The agony of a massive dusty galaxy as seen by its blue companion (NCBJ, 2021.02.17)
Stukając do wrót Pyłowych Gigantów (NCBJ, 2021.01.12)